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Bündner Kantonsschule

Class of 4SPF biology & chemistry

As we started into the new school year, we also started a project in our major subject biology.

As a class we were introduced to each other for the first time, some of us have already known each other. We worked through the basic introduction into a new subject and the rules of the new teacher Mr. Peduzzi. After the introduction into the subject, we already went to the location, where we would execute our research.

The work we've done outside was quite interesting. We got to work in groups and for those who didn't already know each other it was a great opportunity to learn more about their classmates. This is always important for a good atmosphere in the class.

We hope that, for the following classes, they will have a similar great time working on this project as we had. Because the remarkable part about this work is that it will go on over generations.

This means that in a few years there will be the chance to observe what changes there are in the populations of different insects and maybe even why they occur.

Is it just because of the climate change or are there even more reasons why certain populations may shrink or grow?

For all those thoughts are going to be decent answers in a few years.




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